Friday: Hit the gym after work for a light run on the treadmill (coaches keep reminding us not to overdo it early on... slower now will make us faster later)
Today: Meeting with Team at 8am at running shoe store... education about proper shoe fit, foot biomechanics, etc.. followed by a group ride/run along the Chattahoochee River. Unfortunately, I couldn't stick around the whole time due to a prior commitment, but I managed to hit the gym later in the morning and ride the stationary bike for about 20 minutes. Later, I went "road bike" shopping, and test rode 3 different bikes out on the road for another 15-20 minutes... so all that combined makes up by bike workout today. :-)
Didn't purchase a road bike yet... was just trying to do my research and narrow down my options... there are multiple trains of thought on this - some say that since it's my first triathlon that I can just do it with any bike - including my mountain bike. I'm really not a fan of that idea because I am going to put in a lot of time and effort training for this race, and although I know I'm not going to be in a position to win or anything, I'd like to participate with the right equipment. Of course, the fact that even an entry-level road bike is still rather pricey does cause me to consider using my existing bike... BUT, I did find one that I liked today, so... stay tuned!
THANK YOU again to all of you who have given me such positive feedback on my journey! Your encouragement and donations to LLS are keeping me so excited and motivated every day!!
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