
Donation Map

I thought it would be fun to show a map of where my donations have come in from... here are the 8 states that have supported me so far! Considering I have only lived in 2 of these states, I find this pretty impressive... :-) In my last blog, I gave thanks to my first group of supporters - now you can see them lit up in purple on the map! (Some donations are still "in transit", so if you see a state without a corresponding name yet, that's why.. ) I will do my next round of "thank you" tributes to my newest donors in a week or so - so stay tuned!

On the training front...

Tuesday: Met 2 of my TEAMmates after work for a 3 mile run. My stopwatch stopped somewhere along the way, but I estimate we ran for about 35-40 minutes.

Wednesday: Workout #1 - 5:15am boot camp - circuit training, lunges, running, ab work. Workout #2 - TEAM swim. My first time back in the pool since being sick. Took a few laps to get my breathing back under control and review my drills, but by the end of the night, I was SWIMMING for real! Starting in a couple of weeks, we will start "benchmark swims," which will measure our progress throughout the season.

Thursday: rest day. I had a root canal instead. :-\

Friday: 5:15am boot camp - 15 minutes of running; mostly lower body strength training.

Saturday: TEAM track clinic (in freezing wind and rain). It seems that so far this season, Saturday morning Group Training Sessions are synonymous with bad weather. I can only hope that this is not the case for the next 3.5 months! Ran a total of 15 laps around the track (3.75 miles) at various speeds, from 85% - 110% of "pace." Also learned some good tips from Coach Andrew about proper running technique.

Today: still cold and rainy, but I needed to get a "bike" workout in this weekend, so I opted for the stationary bike at the gym. After a brief warm-up on the treadmill, I rode for 35 minutes at a level 6 resistance, focusing mainly on keeping my cadence up in the 90 rpm range.

I'm "TRI"-ing to save lives...want to help?


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