
FAQ's, Part 2

Yesterday, I was reminded that I forgot to answer one of the most important FAQ's that I've received...

"I really wish I could donate more - what else can I do to help support your cause?" First, let me just say that any/all support I have received is appreciated so much! I couldn't ask for a better group of family, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances! But, since you asked... here are some ways that you can continue to contribute in a non-cash way:
  • Word of mouth always makes the biggest impact... tell at least 1 person a day about what I'm doing for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I could never have imagined how many people I would encounter who have personal experience with blood cancers.

  • Do you blog? Ideas dried up? Blog about what I'm doing and link up to my blog and/or fundraising site.

  • Do you Facebook, MySpace, etc? Post a quick note and link to my site(s) on your page(s).

  • Copy the newsletter I sent you and pass it on to someone you think might want to read it.

  • Forward my "Alise is "TRI"-ing to Find A Cure!" email to anyone who you think might be interested.

  • Do you work somewhere that can donate something (a gift card, service, etc.) that I can include in a raffle or a silent auction at an upcoming event?

  • Have a special talent? Bake cupcakes to sell at work for a donation.

Thank you all for your support!

I'm "TRI"-ing to save lives...want to help?


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