

I'm SO excited to blog tonight, because my "ROCKSTAR" tributes/thank-yous are my very favorite blogs to write - and I've got 11 new ones to add that have pushed me over the $1500 mark!... So, just like Round 1 and Round 2, the rules are the same: For each donor mentioned, I'm including the state they sent me their donation from, and how long I've known them. These are listed in alphabetical order by first name - based on the newest donations posted to my TNT website as of today:

David B (California): I've known David since 1996 - he was actually my boss at my first "post-college" job. Though I only worked for him and with him for less than 2 years, we became very close friends in the years that followed. We traveled together via train all over Europe for 16 days, took our first trips to Australia together, and have countless other amazing vacation escapades to remember! Even though I moved far away, and our lives are crazy-busy most of the time, he is still my dearest friend and someone who I know will always be there for me. :-)

Debra C (North Carolina): Debbie and I met in 1983, when we were both 4th graders (!) in Orange, California. We were in the same class at school and in Girl Scouts together. Debbie's family moved to Michigan when we were in the 7th grade, but we stayed in touch through the years. Post-college, she moved to North Carolina, and when I ended up in Georgia in 2000, we found ourselves a mere 5-hour drive apart! Although not nearly often enough, we do manage to get in some long weekend visits to catch up and hang out.

Diane L (California): Diane is a dear friend of my family who I have known my whole life. She is still one of my Mom's closest friends, and was like family to me when I was growing up.

Emelda C (California): Emelda is a neighbor of my parents. In all honesty, I have not personally met her, but during a conversation where my Mom was talking about my triathlon and my raising money for LLS, Emelda gave her a donation to pass along to me! How cool is that!

Heather W (Idaho): Heather was a classmate and neighbor of mine who I met in junior high circa 1987-88. We played high school softball and rode the bus or walked to/from school together. Heather now lives in Idaho and has five (yes, 5!) little kiddos! She lost a good friend to lymphoma a couple of years ago, and is keenly aware of what this devastating disease can do.

Jody, Lori, and Will Hamilton (Georgia): Jody and Lori are neighbors and friends of ours who we met when we moved into our house in 2002. Their son Will came along a few years later... Jody lost his father to brain cancer two years ago, and he and his family are big supporters of cancer research programs such as SBTF. We actually participated in a fundraising 5K with his family last year to help raise money for another great cause!

Joyce B (Ohio): Joyce is the mother of David B (mentioned above)! Joyce is the sweetest lady - she sends me a birthday card and Christmas card every year with a lovely handwritten letter. Believe it or not, we have never actually met in person.

Lindsay D (South Carolina): Lindsay is an ex-co worker of mine who I met in 2000 when I moved to Georgia. She moved to "South Cackalacky" ;-) in 2002, but we have remained good friends with her and her husband Sean. They are our super fun friends with the house on the lake (when the lake has water!), and we look forward to summer fun - boats, boat drinks, and sunshine!

Marilyn T (California): Marilyn lives across the street from my parents. I "think" she is an original homeowner in their neighborhood, from when we moved there in 1987. Marilyn's donation also came as a result of a conversation with my Mom. (Thanks, Mom for all the PR and bragging!)

Rebecca A (Georgia): Becky and Doug are also neighbors and good friends of ours who we met in 2003. They have an uber-cool little boy who we've enjoyed watching grow up so fast! Even though they live a mere 10 houses away from us, we don't get to hang our nearly enough, especially in the winter. Becky is also deeply connected to this cause, as she lost her grandmother to leukemia.

Verna F (California): Verna is the mother of my friend Melody M, who I thanked in Round 1 of ROCKSTARS a couple of weeks ago. I suppose I met Verna circa 1988 as well and saw her last at Melody's wedding in 1993. Her father (Melody's grandfather) passed away from lymphoma in 2001.

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! You are truly my heroes - you are keeping me motivated because you believe in me, and I am humbled by your generous outpouring of support.

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